NET or native (MSOLAP) technologies.Īnalysis Services Management Objects (AMO) - Developer reference documentation for the managed provider, Analysis Services Management Objects (AMO), for data definition and administration, including processing. There is no documentation other than XMLA and MDX reference to help you, and most community and forum support draws from experiences with.

While it's possible to build a solution based on the open standards of XMLA and MDX, it's quite rare to do so.
You can also use View Code in SQL Server Data Tools to view the model definition in ASSL or TMSL. You can generate ASSL or TMSL script in Management Studio. Multidimensional models and Tabular models at compatibility levels 1050-1103 use Analysis Services Scripting Language (ASSL), which is the Analysis Services extension of the XMLA open standard. Tabular models or databases at compatibility level 1200 and higher use the Tabular Model Scripting Language (TMSL), which is in JSON. Which type of script you use depends on the underlying server, database, or model. TMSL and ASSL are script languages that provide objects used in discover and execute operations. Within PowerShell, you can also create and execute ASSL/XMLA or TMSL (in JSON) script. You can write PowerShell script using Analysis Services PowerShell components that call AMO types directly. Script can often achieve the same results as a program executable, with possibly less work. In SQL Server 2016 and later, AMO is updated to use the new Tabular metadata for models created or upgraded to compatibility level 1200 and higher.

Managed APIs include AMO and TOM for data definition and administrative tasks, and ADOMD.NET for query support from client code. Choose a platform or approach to developmentĪnalysis Services provides many ways to customize a solution through code, but most developers use the managed APIs or script. Additionally, you can extend the schema via Annotations in AMO to pass object-specific information to your client application. Not everything in your model needs to be predefined and mapped to an existing data structure. To further elaborate on the last point about creating new object types, while you can't create a new type of object, you can create calculated objects built from expressions or code at run time. Specifically, you cannot create custom data cartridges that retrieve data from unsupported data sources, customize or replace formula or storage engine behaviors, nor can you create new types of object metadata on a server, database, or model. Common to all these scenarios is a fixed architecture and object definition hierarchy, with well-understood operations that span data definition, processing, and query workloads.Īlthough objects and workloads are programmable, they're not extensible. Typical programming scenarios include server, database, and dataset deployment, administration, data refresh and partition management, data access from custom applications, and external tools. Options include writing managed code, script, or using open standards like XMLA and MSOLAP if your solution requirements preclude using the. With Analysis Services, almost every object and workload is programmable, and often there is more than one approach to choose from.