The folding technique that you will learn from this origami catamaran boat is squash-fold. Other than that, it is a simple boat to fold with. Inflatable boat requires you to learn both gate-fold and inside reverse fold. The large sampan boat is based on Fish Base and it is larger than the traditional sampan by about 40%. The special folding techniques you will learn from this boat is the inside reverse fold and a curved mountain-fold. This origami reed boat is fairly easy to fold. This means that a typical origami paper is not recommended. It is advised to use a paper not easily tearable. This origami junk boat is a traditional model.

I am sure that you would love to learn this extended version of the paper boat. He showed me that the sunshade could be added by applying a pocket-fold one more time to a traditional paper boat. I remember learning this boat from my father when I was a child. The paper boat with sunshade is an extended version of the traditional paper boat. The most fascinating feature of this boat is that if you apply the "pocket fold" three times (that is, one more time), then you can make a smaller size (about 2/3) boat with an identical shape of the original boat. The most important technique that you should remember is the "pocket fold" which will be applied twice to make this boat. This origami motorboat has two nice decks. Two model share the same folding technique of opening a pocket. This traditional origami motorboat is similar to the traditional origami sampan boat. This technique alone can be an exciting learning experience. The origami sampan boat showing here has an impressive folding technique called "locking fold". They share the same folding steps up to the step #10 by applying cushion-fold three times This traditional origami steamboat with double smokestacks is very close to the traditional origami chair. This is a good example to learn the folding technique called " squash-fold". This traditional origami steamboat is very interesting model to work on. You will learn a special folding technique to open a pocket. This traditional origami sailboat is one of easiest origami models you could make. However, an instruction to make a modified version of this sailboat will be given afterwards Once we complete making the traditional origami sailboat, you can stop there. You will be starting with a square-base with this origami sailboat. The most interesting feature of this model is that you can perform a magic in front of your friend with this boat. What you will learn from this magic boat is gate-fold and it is very similar to the traditional origami catamaran in the initial sequence of folding. You will apply two inside reverse folds to this model. The folding technique that you will learn from this origami catamaran is inside reverse fold. If you want, you can try this boat on the water. This is a good example to learn the folding technique of outside reverse-fold. Those steps are one valley-fold and one outside reverse-fold. However, if you become an expert, you will only need two steps to make it. In this instruction, there are six steps to complete this model. This traditional easy boat might be the simplest boat you will ever fold.

There are also modern boats presented here. Traditionally there are many kinds of boats and it is good to learn all of them since they contain very interesting folding techniques. We would love to see your own made paper boats in the comments.Origami boat is one of the most important category in origami. We hope you found these instructions useful.

Now that we’ve taught how to make a paper boat, you’re ready to charter a yacht and enjoy some true sailing on a real boat. However, nowadays origami represents a creative way of spending time and a hobby for both adults and children.

The phrase stems from an ancient custom of folding certain special documents – such as diplomas for Tea Ceremony masters, or masters of swordsmanship – in such a way as to prevent unauthorized copies from being made. In Japan, there is an expression, Origami Tsuki, meaning “certified” or “guaranteed”. Origami has a history the first use of the word “Origami” in Japan was not for our familiar recreational paper folding, but certificates. Origami is the Japanese name for the art of paper folding, and it has now become a beloved art form for people around the world. In folding a paper boat you will make a step in Origami technique a creative and innovative world of paper formatting.